New Jersey Coleman® Furnace Company

A cozy family gathering, a relaxing evening, a quiet winter’s morning—your comfort needs change throughout the day. And when a Coleman® furnace is properly matched with a Coleman® air conditioner or air handler, you will enjoy extended system life and maximum efficiency all year around!

Here's what makes Coleman® Furnaces work:

Coleman FurnaceNew Jersey furnace design has advanced in recent years to be far safer and more efficient than older designs. This is the result of improvements in the burner, the ignition, and the blower motor. Furnace heating efficiency is measured by an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) percentage. A higher AFUE percentage indicates a more efficient furnace. 

The Echelon™ 9.C is the highest rated gas furnace in the industry (up to 98% AFUE). The EnergyGuide label outlines the energy use and efficiency of major home appliances. With its industry leading efficiency, the Echelon™ 9.C EnergyGuide rating exceeds government standards - insuring exceptional quality and low energy use. 

The basic components of a furnace system are:

  • A burner, where gas (natural or propane) or oil is delivered and burned

  • An ignition source, which is typically an electronic hot surface igniter that supersedes the old-style pilot light

  • A heat exchanger, where the heat from the burning gas is transferred to the air distribution system

  • Blower motor, such as the highly efficient electronically commutated motor (ECM) to propel air through the ductwork

  • Filtration and ductwork to circulate clean, warm air throughout your New Jersey home

  • A flue or vent pipe to exhaust by-products of combustion (such as water vapor and carbon dioxide) outside. High-efficiency furnaces use special, corrosion-resistant vent-pipe materials.


If you are looking for a New Jersey Heating and Air Conditioning professional, please call us today at 732-668-4100, or complete our online request form.